Hot school meals are provided daily, our menu runs on a 3 weekly rota. Children may have a school meal or be provided with a packed lunch from home if they wish. Vegetarian meal options are also available, please contact the school office in writing should your child prefer this option.
A doctor’s letter is required for any child with special dietary requirements or food allergies, our catering team can then make meal arrangements accordingly. Free school meals are available upon application and are treated in the strictest confidence, please complete the form below if you think you are entitled.
Our meals are cooked and served at the Infant School, all school meal children at the Junior school are taken across the path to the Infant school by lunch supervisors for their meals.
Children may bring a packed lunch, we like to encourage children to eat healthily and ask that sweets, chocolate bars, or fizzy drinks are not included. In school there are a number of children with nut allergies, we ask that you are mindful of this when preparing your child’s lunch. We do not have the facilities in school for keeping food cool in hot weather. School would prefer that children do not bring hot food to school as part of their packed lunch. However, if parents do provide hot food it is their own responsibility to ensure that it is not too hot to burn if spilled and that flasks etc are washed and safe for use each day. Flasks should be robust and preferably metal to limit injury caused by accidental damage or breakage.
The budget of the catering staff means that children must choose between a school meal or packed lunch on a half-termly basis. A week’s notice is required before changing at the end of a half term.
Fruit, chopped vegetables or Nut free cereal bars are allowed at morning break and the infant children receive a free piece of fruit daily. Children should bring a water bottle to school containing only water and are able to refill during the school day.
Should you have any queries regarding either the nutritional content of school meals or questions relating to food allergies/ intolerances please contact the school office.
If you would like your child to transfer from a packed lunch to a school dinner or vice versa, please complete one of the forms below.
Lunchtime Policies & Documents | Download |
Packed lunch to school dinner | Download |
School dinner to packed lunch | Download |
Free School Meal Application form | Download |
Payment (Junior school children only)
The cost of school meals is £2.30 per day or £11.50 for the week. Payment can be made weekly, monthly or half termly in advance. Dinners should be paid for using ParentMail; if you are unable to access ParentMail, please contact the school office.