Pupil Welfare


The Federation of Mowden Schools is committed to safeguarding and ensuring the welfare of all pupils. Our Safeguarding Policy details procedures we follow to ensure children are kept safe from harm.

Please refer to Keeping children Safe in Education Part 1 for the latest Government guidelines regarding Safeguarding in school. 

Our latest Safeguarding policy and the most recent Government guidelines can both be found within our About Us, Policies page of our website.

If you have a concern regarding a child or young person please contact Children’s Access Point on 01325406222 or via email to childrensaccesspoint@darlington.gov.uk.


We request that parents/carers keep us informed about any issues that might affect their children at school. It is vital that we are aware of medical requirements for conditions such as asthma, allergies, diabetes, hearing or site impairments, etc. 

Pastoral Care and Medication

If your child is particularly unwell you should consider whether or not your child is fit for school. If the illness if infectious, other children and teachers may be affected.  Any child suffering from a stomach bug which may result in diarrhoea and/or sickness should be kept at home and have 48 hours clear of illness before returning.  

If your child suffers a physical injury e.g. strain or sprain, please contact the school office to discuss any measures which need to be put in place to support your child while they are in school.  Should your child be admitted to hospital at all, please contact the office to make school aware of any ongoing issues or concerns.

Asthma Inhalers are kept in the child’s classroom in a box, easy to access. Inhalers should be handed in to the school office and be in the original prescribed box. Spacers should be provided for school. They should be taken to the swimming pool and outside if lessons are taking place elsewhere on the site. They must always be taken on school trips. Other prescribed medication such as Epipens, etc are kept on the shelf in the school office in boxes with the child’s name and photo on the front. Parents are responsible for checking the use by dates on the medication regularly.

If a child, from either the Infant or Junior School, requires prescribed medication to be administered to them during the school day, then parents are required to complete a request form which is available from the office giving permission for the medication to be given. If the medicine is required to be taken only three times a day, then it is expected that these three times should be at home.

No pupils have permission to carry medication on their person apart from asthma inhalers where this has been agreed with teachers and parents unless there are exceptional circumstances which have been agreed between parents and staff; this includes no child having over the counter medication such as cough sweets.

If your child is taken ill at school we will try to contact his/her parents at home or at work, using the emergency telephone number provided.  If a child is hurt in school and requires medical treatment immediately, we will contact the emergency services and then contact family as soon as possible.

External agencies

CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) is a term used for services that work with children and young people who have difficulties with their emotional or behavioural wellbeing.

Local areas have a number of different support services available.  Families can speak to school, discuss with their GP or complete their own referral directly to CAMHS.

Should families wish to contact the School Nurse please contact the School Nursing Team directly on 03000030013.

Useful information for families

Pupil Walfare Policies & DocumentsDownload
Separated Parents PolicyDownload
Guidance on Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease for Parents, October 2013Download
Guidance on Infection Control in Schools and recommended period of absence, September 2014Download
Reducing the Spread of Diarrhoea & Vomiting in schools, May 2015Download
Disabled Children Register InformationDownload