The “Friends of Mowden” are a committee of parent and staff volunteers who help raise funds for the Federation to purchase additional items which enhance the children’s experiences at school. For more detailed information on the aims of the Friends of Mowden, and how it is organised, please refer to our Terms of Reference.

Previous purchases from these funds have included:
- A new stage for the infants and juniors
- Lighting and a sound system for the junior hall
- IT equipment
- Outdoor play equipment – including the wooden shelters in both playgrounds
During the last academic year £8265.97 was raised through a number of fundraising activities such as: discos, personalised Christmas cards and a very successful summer fair. Click here to see how the funds were raised.
The activities organised by the Friends raise funds whilst also bringing the school community together – but they can only continue to happen with your support.
Can you help? It is an excellent opportunity to get involved in the school, raise funds and meet other parents.
We are looking for volunteers to join our committee, which meets once a half term, usually on a Thursday at 6pm for an hour. This is where we decide on and plan events and fundraising activities – alongside staff from the Federation. This a relaxed and friendly meeting, and there is always cake!
Or you can become one of our army of volunteers, who help us on a more ad hoc basis, at some of our many events.
If you are interested in joining our committee, want to be added to our volunteers list, have any suggestions or just have a question, then either contact the school office (who can pass on your details) or email
We would love to hear from you!