The Federation of Mowden Schools is committed to providing a safe, secure and happy environment in which children can flourish. Our Behaviour Policy was written with this in mind and can be found within our Policies page on the website.
We are extremely proud of our record for behaviour:
“Pupils work hard during lessons. Teachers have high expectations and know their pupils well. Behaviour is good, because relationships are positive.”
Ofsted 2017
We believe that good behaviour is based on respect and we aim to treat everyone fairly. Our policy is based on positive rewards and praise, as we believe that pupils should be rewarded for hard work, academic achievement and good behaviour.
Good behaviour is everyone’s responsibility. Class teachers are encouraged to work with their classes to develop a set of rules at the start of the year. As part of this, our reward system provides recognition for good behaviour whilst sanctions are followed if rules are broken.
We take a swift and firm approach to bullying. Bullying is not tolerated in any form and we encourage everyone to support us in dealing with such issues.
Our behaviour policy ensures that the highest standards of behaviour and self discipline are encouraged at all times whether it is in the classroom, the playground, or on a school trip. The Federation asks parents to support us in dealing with any examples of negative behaviour in order to allow every child to gain the most from their school day.