At the Federation of Mowden Schools we are very proud of how popular we are within both our local community and Darlington.
Reception New Starters
We realise the importance of supporting families as they make important decisions regarding choosing a school for their children. We warmly welcome you to visit Mowden for a look around with a member of staff. Appointments are flexible, please call the school office on 01325380820 to arrange a convenient time.
All of our Admissions are dealt with by the Admissions team at Darlington Borough Council. Details of how to apply and the application dates can be found at
In Year Transfer
If you are interested in your child transferring to our school please get in touch with us to arrange an appointment for a visit. Please be aware that all admissions to our school are dealt with by the Admissions team at Darlington Borough Council who can be contacted on either 01325 405907/405909 or email for the appropriate paperwork and to find out about available places. To find out more go to
Full guidance regarding the criteria for admission to the Federation of Mowden Schools can be found in our Admissions Policy on our Policies page within the school website. If you wish to discuss your admission and circumstances, please contact the school office.